Not long ago, I went out to the lake with a gentleman who owns a boat and was formerly in the United States Navy. We talked about Naval surface warfare and how it might be fun to create some sort of pretend-terrorist activity on the lake which would allow people to have fun playing in war game simulations. You see, right now the United States Navy has to deal with Iranian fast boats in the Straits of Hormuz. Often they are challenged by Iranian fast boats which come dangerously close to their rather large war vessels.

As of yet, they haven't come close enough to be blown out of the water, and that's good for them, and also good for the United States because we don't need any international incidents right now. Nevertheless, what if we took this entire concept to a higher level, to a higher level of fun out on the lake out here in the United States, and it could be any lake in any city for that matter. What if we could create torpedo toys with rubber bumpers which wouldn't hurt any of the vessels, but could be launched by hand from a jet ski, pontoon boat, speedboat, or even a houseboat?
What if when these many toy torpedoes hit one of the vessels, a small flag would pop up which said "Bang" and underneath "Acme Toy Company" with a TM registered mark? When I discussed this with the gentleman who owns the boat he suggested that they should be perhaps driven by compressed air. This would allow them to move very quickly through the water until they ran out of compressed air. Perhaps they could be launched many times, and used over again and again, but would still have enough compressed air left.
Once the torpedo hit something, it would shut down sparing the rest of the compressed air, and once the flag was pushed back down it could rearm itself for later use. Once the totally torpedo was put into the water the individual could press a button to start up the motor. Someone on a jet ski could get a running start towards another boat, put it into the water, press the button, then turn away launching the torpedo. These toys would of course be painted a very bright color so they would be easily retrievable and have the buoyancy density similar to water so they floated right at the surface.
Wouldn't that be a lot of fun for water sport activities, and now that I've mentioned it don't you wish to invent something like this, market it, and then have fun with it on the lake or at the river? If so, and you'd like to see some of my sketches and artist conceptual renderings on this concept please shoot me an e-mail. Until then, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.
New Water Sport Concept - Torpedo Toys for Maritime Dominance
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